I had the awesome opportunity these past few weeks to attend some local community events and host a push-up contest!

When I tell you I was astounded with the results… Okay, seriously, just wait until you read about the overall winner. You better hold onto your socks, cuz they’re about to get blown ALL the way off.

First, let’s hear it for the winner of the Irwin Vendor Show!

Irwin Craft & Vendor Show Push-Up Contest Winner:

Adelina P.

This show set the precedent for the following weekend. This was my first time hosting an event like this, and the community SHOWED. UP!

I figured I’d have mayyybe ten participants. After all, it can be a little daunting to show off that upper body strength in a public setting like that.

But even with well over thirty participants, Adelina still crushed the competition.

She busted out 50 push-ups in a row and absolutely dominated!

Congrats, Adelina! Enjoy your Panera gift card for your efforts!

NHT 250th Anniversary Celebration Push-Up Contest Winners

This next event was super special because it was a celebration of my hometown. I grew up in North Huntingdon, PA, so it was impressive to see the upper-body strength the community had been hiding from me all these years. (Seriously, where were these people? Definitely not in my high school gym classes.)

My hopes were a little higher for participation after the success of the Irwin Show, but I could never have anticipated the solid competition that was about to come.

This was to be a bigger event than the Irwin one, so I had people divided up into a few age groups. This helped the competition get FIERCE.

So without further ado, here are the strongest members of the community! Make sure to peep the winner of night #3… You’re gonna LOSE IT.

NHT 250th Celebration Push-Up Contest Winners: Night #1 (September 28, 2023)

Ages 10 & Under: Julian K.

Age: 4 Push-Ups: 37 – That’s right, age FOUR! You crushed it, Julian! You’re an inspiration to the potential of kindergarteners everywhere.

Ages 11–24: Chris

Age: 11 Push-Ups: 30 – Way to go, Chris! Let’s double it for next year!

Ages 25–49: Steve P.

Age: 47 Push-Ups: 50 – Keep it up, Steve! Keep those push-ups higher than your age.

Ages 50+: Scott C.

Age: 58 Push-Ups: 60 – Same to you, Scott! Keep aiming for more push-ups than years on this planet.

Honorable Mention:

Carol, Age: 80 Push-Ups: 5 – You were adamant you could do more if your shoulder wasn’t feeling a little off that day, and girl––I believe you!

NHT 250th Celebration Push-Up Contest Winners: Night #2 (September 29, 2023)

Ages 10 & Under: Marley

Age: 8 Push-Ups: 110 – Over 100 push-ups is no joke! Marley received a special pin to celebrate her induction into the 100 Push-Up Club!

Marley 110 push-ups

Honorable Mention:

Evelyn K., Age: 8 Push-Ups: 102 – She thought she crushed the competition with 102 push-ups… but don’t worry. This lady comes back for her revenge!

Evelyn 102 push-ups

Ages 11–24: Nolan K.

Age: 12 Push-Ups: 115 – At around 80 push-ups, Nolan said, “Let’s just get this over with.” But congrats to pushing yourself way beyond the 100 Push-Up Club minimum!

Nolan 115 push-ups

Ages 25–49: Joe M.

Age: 34 Push-Ups: 60 – Way to go, Joe! It was a close race in this age group until you showed up!

Ages 50+: Keith K.

Age: 58 Push-Ups: 24 – Many people passed me by and said they were “too old” to do push-ups. Hey, just less competition for Keith!

NHT 250th Celebration Push-Up Contest Winners: Night #3 (September 30, 2023)

Ages 10 & Under: Evelyn K.

Age: 8 Push-Ups: 201 – Nope, that’s not a typo. Little lady did TWO-HUNDRED AND ONE PUSH-UPS. And does her name seem a little familiar? Oh right, that’s because she did 102 push-ups the night before!!

How her arms were still functioning, I have no idea. But she definitely had to have been feeling it during her next gymnastics practice. (My bad, Evelyn’s coaches.)

She looked up at me at 160 push-ups and said, “I’m gonna do 200.”

And by that sparkle in her eye, I knew she was gonna do it.

She walked away with three 100 Push-Up Club pins this weekend, all so well deserved!

Evelyn 201 push-ups

Honorable Mention:

Easton H., Age: 10 Push-Ups: 100 – Not to be overlooked, Easton also made it into the 100 Push-up Club!! Congratulations, Easton, and welcome to the club!

Easton 100 push-ups

Ages 11–24: Carter T.

Age: 17 Push-Ups: 69 – Nice job, Carter! Look at what a little competition between a group of friends can do.

Ages 25–49: Joel P.

Age: 29 Push-Ups: 76 – Okay Joel, we see you! Induction into the 100 Push-Up Club by 30 is definitely within reach.

Ages 50+: Paul R.

Age: 60 Push-Ups: 51 – People looked at your number on the list and said that’s for “crazy people.” Maybe that is crazy, but I’m aspiring to be like you, Paul!

Honorable Mention:

Larry A., Age: 80 Push-Ups: 5 – Nuff said. Age is just a number!!!

Way to go everyone! Even if you just got down on the mat to do one push-up, I’m proud of you. That’s the first step to 100 😉 See you all at the next event!